Names...names...and more names.
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes just gave birth to a child names Suri.
And while I'm not here to talk about premaritial sex or that stuff, I did smile when I saw that name.
Suri means "Red rose" in Persian, "Princess" in Hebrew.
And "Pickpocket" in Japanese.
What I'm interested in, is not the strange meaning the name has, because, for example, Merci means "Thanks" in french, while Mercy is something you beg in english before the axe falls on your neck.
What I'm interested in, is why parents try to name their child in an unique way, so that it "stands up".
Of course, we have enough of "Tom", "Dick" and "Harry" in this world. However, this seems to be the era where it's "fashionable" to have a strange name. No more, will three heads turn in your direction when you shout "Jerry!" in the middle of Orchard Road. (BTW, Jerry is what the allies called Germany troops during WWII :o).
Hence, it's not too find uncommon names now.
However, with uncommon, comes the word "strange".
"Freschanio", "Libupoteria", "alhwuohfekfdsg". These are the strange names kids have to endure with because their parents find it "cool" to say "Meet my son, juhoaienhiaeionf!"
Not only do the kids have to endure a life long pain of people looking at them weirdly when they introduce themselves (Can you imagine how an employer would look at you if you had that name?), but also a the sheer agony that people will never pronounce their names right.
Their parents say "hijuka", everyone else goes "bajgoagte". Or whatever their names are, thanks to the strange way it is spelt, or is said.
I know, my name is never pronounced right. Got used to it. LoL.
However, what's wrong with being common? James, Kimberly, Sarah are all very nice names, easy on the tongue, and very common. Why do we trouble ourselves just to be unique? I mean, names are cool and stuff, but when it goes beyond an easy way to recognise your work and your face, it becomes very troublesome. Besides, it's just a name. First impressions count, yes (although I fail to see how people get impressed if your name sounds like some dude in a native tribe), but after that, it's all down to your work, your commitment, and your ability. You can have the most fantastic name in the world, but if you are crap, you are crap.
Keep it Simple, Stupid. (KISS. :o)
All, elections posters are up.

I know, my camera sucks.
However...interesting... :o
Ah, the month of May.
The movie month. Mission Impossible 3, Da Vinci Code (28th), X-man III (8th, although I plan to "obtain" this one).
Not to mention Silent Hill in June (unconfirmed =\. States had aired it though).
Also, it reminds me....
3 months left till her birthday....
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